Saturday, January 7, 2012

sexy muumuus and 2012

Jen:  i can't wait to shop sexy moomoos
me:  hell yeah.
me:  if i could put a bumper sticker on this day it would be: "I'd rather be blogging".  i have a ridiculous amount of inner dialogue going on and i would feel a lot less crazy if i were writing some of it up
Jen:  you would NOT [or] "I'd rather be beating your ass"
me:  on this DAY
Jen:  DAY in CAPS
me:  not an actual physical sticker on a real thing
Jen:  i get it. took a sec.  I read it as, "On THIS day, January 5th, 2012, if I had a bumper sticker to put on, it would say: blahbaditty". like an official fridge document
me:  this is going in my blog post
Jen:  Hear Ye, Hear Ye... On THIS day of the Fives of Januaryist, I here proclaim it Bumper Sticker Day. i meant sexy moomoos dot com.  dont click that, its not safe

That's an excerpt from a gtalk conversation with my prego best friend, Jen at work the other day. During a scheduled break (to any coworkers who may be blog stalking me.. but by all means, continue blog stalking).  It was one of those days where my mind was swimming with ideas and humorous anecdotes.  

Unfortunately, I did not write anyting down and here I sit on Saturday morning, just a little hungover, remembering none of those ideas.  Still, I do so love that crazy feeling.  The slightly overwhelming free flow of ideas.  For that reason, I have added to my list of goals for 2012, keep better notes.  I kept a journal religiously for the largest part of my adolescence and early adulthood.  I think keeping a personal journal again would help me to track progress on ideas and goals.  Anything is better than what I'm doing now, which is starting lists for everything and never finishing any.  There's not much satisfaction that comes from it and it would probably annoy the hell out of list fanatics but I'm more of an open-ended goal kind of person anyway.  The problem is, my memory is pretty unreliable and I need to accomplish things.

Other goals for this year include:

Do yoga enough to reap the benefits- I have never been particularly great at yoga or any kind of exercise or sports.  But I do try to get a healthy amount of physical activity.  I just suck at it.  Try, try again, eh?
Write in cursive- Of course now that cursive writing has become a thing of the past, I've become obsessed with it.  Because that's how I function.
Learn how to use my camera and take more photos- I scored a great canon rebel through the pawn shop a couple years ago and I have never properly learned to use it.  Sad, huh? My little old digital has become significantly crappier since I bought it.. oh, six years ago or so.  Now it's time to get the big guy out and get to work.
Grow long hair- My hair has not made it more than a few inches past my shoulders... ever.  Maybe in middle school but I know it had to be brief.  So yeah, 26 years on this earth and I've never had real actual long hair. I think I'm ready to give it a try.
Learn to play my ukulele- I have fair knack for learning musical instruments but for some reason, guitar and other stringed instruments have never come as easily to me.  For that reason, I've given up several times.  Not this year!!  I downloaded a tuner app for my macbook a few days ago and began to work on it.  Five minutes into tuning, I broke a string... whatever, they were old. Starting over as soon as the new strings are purchased!

I hope to keep the new year momentum up by adding inspirational pins to my '12 goals board on pinterest as the year progresses.  None of these are majorly ambitious.  But hey, it fits my lifestyle. I like attainable goals.

Well, it's a beautiful 50 degree January day here in unpredictable northern KY.  I'd better go outside and do some work while it lasts.

I did find some sexy muumuus though. This was my favorite. 
 From Etsy site, farfromhere.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Jewelry at Field of Vue Art

Hello and Happy New Year!

I have some very exciting news about two of my favorite artisans and an amazing venue in the Fairfield Avenue Historic District in Bellevue, Kentucky.

Two of my dearest friends have snagged an incredible opportunity to show and sell their jewelry creations at Field of Vue Art (FOVA).   I snagged a few photos from their FB page.

I simply cannot say enough about this location and I can't wait to head over for the first First Friday of 2012.  Jen and Josh have been slaving away at their fabulous line of jewelry and I am so very excited to see it all together!  Join us and kick off the new year right and what a better way to do so than with handmade jewelry, art, local artists, and a zen garden with drinks and snacks.  How about a little preview, eh?

RSVP to the event page and tell a friend!  See you there!

On a related note, I lived in Bellevue for a couple of years and have always been impressed by city's support of the art community and small businesses.  The Bellevue Renaissance Committee has a website will give you an idea of other galleries, boutiques, and eateries.  Check it.


Friday, December 2, 2011


Here we are.. It's December.  Bad weather usually makes me feel nervous and crazy long before it actually arrives but I'm happy to report that so far, this year has been a little different.  I have been keeping quite busy and don't expect to slow down anytime soon.  The real challenge is to power through until Spring.

It's not all bad, I guess.  I do love a good afternoon of sled riding and drinking hot chocolate or something similarly warm and fuzzy.  Here's Milo last year at my parents' house on one of those happy days-

Crafting gifts for my family and friends is a joy but a time consuming one.  I would love to share photos but given that my readers (you know, since this is like, my third post) consist of only my family and friends, it'll have to wait.  Perhaps after the new year, I'll recount some of the top gifts.  At least I'll know how they were received by then.

ANYWAY, what I was getting to is this- I am in need of a new winter coat.  We brought the last of the winter boxes down from the attic last night and I was certain that my two favorite/only winter coats were up there.. certain they were tucked neatly away inside a grey tote box. Alas, they were no where to be found.  Perhaps lost in the move to our house in March of this year?  Who knows.

So on a tiny budget, I am on the hunt for a new coat.

I've been thrifting the past couple of weekends and only half-heartedly looked at coats because I cringe at the dry-cleaning expense I'd inevitably have to pay if I fell for one of those wool coats.  Secondly, there should have been two perfectly good wool coats in my attic..............  ahem.  And thirdly, I didn't really know what I was looking for.  After a little searching, I've got a decent idea.  I'll let you know how the actual hunt goes!

Have a look here at some beautiful outerwear from decades past..

Joan Bennett

Janet Gaynor

Okay, I'm decided that I'd like to find a super long coat.  This may help me avoid the urge to drive Milo down the street to school in the mornings instead of walking when the weather is just cold and not nasty.  I know it's going to happen at some point.  Maybe we both need capes...

Lily Pons

And in my happiest day dreams, I will find this coat but several sizes larger..

Mae Busch 

Thanks to for the inspirational photos.  I could really spend all day looking at the pictures on their website. 

Tomorrow is Saturday so I'll be hitting the thrift stores and with any luck, the dry cleaners shortly thereafter.  

Take care all!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Yuletide '11

Get excited... Yuletide '11 at the 1305 Gallery!

Beginning on Final Friday/Black Friday, the 1305 Gallery is hosting this fantastic event through December 30th. This is one of the best events that I've come across so far to buy from local artists and crafters. Their facebook page has all the info on location, hours, etc.  

One of these talented individuals was gracious enough to provide us with this spectacular preview! Saint Lexi, the patron saint of awesome! Read a little about Lexi in her own words here.  Thanks for the photos!!

Behold the array of handcrafted goodness!

Wild Symphony #2 Tote Bag

Bouncing around Bali Weekender/Overnight Bag/Carry-On Bag




handmade dog treats and ornament cat nip!

If you're thinking that this looks like it could be Miranda's personal Christmas wish list, you're not too far off. HINT. HINT. Except that I do not have cats. :)

A side note, the universe clearly does not want me to finish any of the half dozen posts I started last week. This could largely be attributed to my terrible photography skills. Hopefully I will get some free time while natural light is available and I promise I will bring you more new stuff.

Until next time, I hope you all have a lovely Thanksgiving.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Holiday Making

I finished my Holiday Make List today.  It's a lot more like a to-do list than a shopping list.  There are inspirational photos and links to tutorials where needed.  Now that I've planned what I want to give to my list of special people, to begin gathering materials that I do not already have.  That's when the Make Magic happens.

Think for a minute about a really special gift you received sometime in your life.  Pretend we're holding hands if you want to.  Maybe it was something you really needed at the time or maybe it was something you never knew how much you would love until it was yours. Either way, it was meaningful.  Perhaps it was even handmade by that thoughtful gift giver?

The frenzy of holiday shopping always gives me a stomach ache and that's usually a good first clue that it's not a healthy practice.  What compels us to throw our hard earned cash at huge corporations with frighteningly irresponsible practices?  What is better or easier about spending fifteen dollars on a set of smelly lotions than writing a heartfelt card to a coworker, teacher or cousin?

Because giving gifts is fun tradition?  Yes!  It is!

You know what isn't a fun holiday tradition?  Guilt trips!  So I propose that we focus on the positive.  If you're not seeing the glass half full, you're not putting enough into it.  (I'm sure someone else has said that before me, but I can't recall it.  Either way, I'm patting myself on the back for that turn of phrase.)

Picture a happy medium,  I swear they exist.  This is where the MAKE comes in.  The internet is swarming with cheap and easy DIY projects.  Many of them incorporate RECYCLED or RE-PURPOSED materials. That's a huge bonus!  If I can save some cash and get a dose of good karma in one fell swoop, I am a happy camper.  But seriously, there is something out there that everyone can easily do.  Over the next few weeks, I hope to share some of the best tutorials I've found on the DIY front and hopefully a few of my own.

Convinced you don't have the time or creativity?  That's totally cool because this is important to:  Support an artist and their craft!  Support your local businesses!  I would like to share some really great resources with you.  These are personal friends and family of mine.  They are talented, resourceful and have been a huge inspiration to me.

Up first, this is the work of an artsy pair I'm lucky enough to call dear friends, Jen and Josh.


Feast your eyes on these customized sets and individual pieces of jewelry, crafty handbags, and a variety of other wares you'll absolutely love.  

With curious and elegant designs that incorporate organic materials, their work will charm the pants off of, well, anyone.  They are that good.  For more info, contact Jen and Josh on facebook.

Oh! Darling Vintage

Located on Monmouth Street right here in Newport, KY, Oh! Darling Vintage is fabulously stocked with top notch vintage finds.  You can be certain that the ladies running this show are of the top notch variety, too.

Get yourself to their shop and be inspired by timeless fashion and the joy that is vintage goods.  Not local? Check out the Etsy Store for a taste of the selection!

Wait! You can get a peek inside the shop and a preview of what kind of style and craftiness goes on here. Who doesn't want to know what a vintage store owner wears to work?  Confessions of a Vintage Store Owner  - enjoy!  This picture is from one of my favorite outfit posts.  Something about this blouse makes my soul jumpy. :)

more here

Nature's Harbor Farm

Okay, this is a big one! Support local farmers!  Get involved with your local food community and I can pretty much guarantee you will find a warm, inviting group of people.  I will save my buy-local-food spiel for a later post, but I'm sure that you are all aware of the many benefits.  If not, stay tuned for that on down the road.  (Actually, stay tuned anyway.)

My cousin Brandon, his wife Heather and their lovely family have established a sustainable farm right here in beautiful Northern Kentucky.  With farming practices that are healthy for our planet and it's inhabitants, they produce a variety of quality products year round!

Check out the Nature's Harbor Farm website for all the details.

Quick Cash Pawn

And finally, my favorite pawnbrokers at Quick Cash Pawn.  Remember what I said earlier about that special gift you received that one time?  And supporting local businesses?  Here you go!  Scratch your shopping itch at Quick Cash.  Their prices on jewelry, electronics, tools, guns, and musical equipment are incredible.  Oh, and $1 DVD sales every week!  Depending on which location you go to and on which day, you can see my darling man, Bob pawnbroking his little heart out and giving killer deals on what you're looking for.  :)

Listen, I love artists and craft-makers as much as I love arts and crafts.  Don't forget, we need tools to make them.  We also need laptops and digital cameras to share them with the world!  If you're local, check them out and be glad that you did.  And of course, if you need cash to fund your holiday season, this is the place to go.

That's it, my friends.  I hope you enjoyed my first post in the Making It blog.  Wish me luck and come back soon!  :)